Southeastern Fish, Mussels, Snails, and Crayfish with USFWS recovery plans as of 10/2015. (Source)
Species | Document Link | Plan Date | Plan Stage | Status | Group |
Alabama cavefish — Entire | Alabama Cavefish | 10/25/90 | RF(2) | E | Fish |
Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni | |||||
Alabama sturgeon — | Recovery Plan for the Alabama Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus suttkusi) | 7/8/13 | F | E | Fish |
Scaphirhynchus suttkusi | |||||
Amber darter — Entire | Conasauga Logperch/Amber Darter (2 spp.) | 6/20/86 | F | E | Fish |
Percina antesella | |||||
Atlantic sturgeon (Gulf subspecies) — Entire | Gulf Sturgeon | 9/22/95 | F | T | Fish |
Acipenser oxyrinchus (=oxyrhynchus) desotoi | |||||
Bayou darter — Entire | Bayou Darter | 7/10/90 | RF(1) | T | Fish |
Etheostoma rubrum | |||||
Blackside dace — Entire | Blackside Dace | 8/17/88 | F | T | Fish |
Phoxinus cumberlandensis | |||||
Bluemask (=jewel) Darter — Entire | Bluemask (=Jewel) Darter (Etheostoma (Doration) sp.) Recovery Plan | 7/25/97 | F | E | Fish |
Etheostoma sp. | |||||
Blue shiner — Entire | Blue Shiner | 8/30/95 | F | T | Fish |
Cyprinella caerulea | |||||
Boulder darter — Entire | Boulder Darter | 7/27/89 | F | E | Fish |
Etheostoma wapiti | |||||
Cahaba shiner — Entire | Cahaba Shiner | 4/23/92 | F | E | Fish |
Notropis cahabae | |||||
Cape Fear shiner — Entire | Cape Fear Shiner | 10/7/88 | F | E | Fish |
Notropis mekistocholas | |||||
Cherokee darter — Entire | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | T | Fish |
Etheostoma scotti | |||||
Conasauga logperch — Entire | Conasauga Logperch/Amber Darter (2 spp.) | 6/20/86 | F | E | Fish |
Percina jenkinsi | |||||
Duskytail darter — Entire | Duskytail Darter | 3/30/94 | F | E | Fish |
Etheostoma percnurum | |||||
Etowah darter — Entire | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | E | Fish |
Etheostoma etowahae | |||||
Goldline darter — Entire | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | T | Fish |
Percina aurolineata | |||||
Laurel dace — Entire | Technical/Agency Draft Recovery Plan for the Laurel dace (Chrosomus saylori) | 1/14/15 | D | E | Fish |
Chrosomus saylori | |||||
Okaloosa darter — Entire | Okaloosa Darter | 10/26/98 | RF(1) | T | Fish |
Etheostoma okaloosae | |||||
Ozark cavefish — Entire | Ozark Cavefish | 11/14/89 | F | T | Fish |
Amblyopsis rosae | |||||
Palezone shiner — Entire | Palezone Shiner | 7/7/97 | F | E | Fish |
Notropis albizonatus | |||||
Pygmy madtom — Entire | Pygmy Madtom | 9/27/94 | F | E | Fish |
Noturus stanauli | |||||
Pygmy Sculpin — Entire | Pygmy Sculpin | 8/6/91 | F | T | Fish |
Cottus paulus (=pygmaeus) | |||||
Relict darter — Entire | Technical/Agency Draft Recovery Plan for the Relict Darter (Etheostoma chienense) | 7/31/94 | D | E | Fish |
Etheostoma chienense | |||||
Slackwater darter — Entire | Slackwater Darter | 3/8/84 | F | T | Fish |
Etheostoma boschungi | |||||
Slender chub — Entire | Slender Chub | 7/29/83 | F | T | Fish |
Erimystax cahni | |||||
Smoky madtom — Entire | Smoky Madtom | 8/9/85 | F | E | Fish |
Noturus baileyi | |||||
Snail darter — Entire | Snail Darter | 5/5/83 | F | T | Fish |
Percina tanasi | |||||
Spotfin Chub — Entire | Spotfin Chub | 11/21/83 | F | T | Fish |
Erimonax monachus | |||||
Vermilion darter — Entire | Recovery Plan for the Vermilion Darter, Etheostoma chermocki | 8/6/07 | F | E | Fish |
Etheostoma chermocki | |||||
Waccamaw silverside — Entire | Waccamaw Silverside | 8/11/93 | F | T | Fish |
Menidia extensa | |||||
Watercress darter — Entire | Watercress Darter | 3/29/93 | RF(2) | E | Fish |
Etheostoma nuchale | |||||
Yellowfin madtom — Entire, except where EXPN | Yellowfin Madtom | 6/23/83 | F | T | Fish |
Noturus flavipinnis | |||||
Alabama (=inflated) heelsplitter — Entire | Inflated Heelsplitter | 4/13/93 | F | T | Mussel |
Potamilus inflatus | |||||
Alabama lampmussel — Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations | Alabama Lamp Pearly Mussel | 7/2/85 | F | E | Mussel |
Lampsilis virescens | |||||
Alabama moccasinshell — | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | T | Mussel |
Medionidus acutissimus | |||||
Appalachian elktoe — Entire | Appalachian Elktoe | 8/26/96 | F | E | Mussel |
Alasmidonta raveneliana | |||||
Birdwing pearlymussel — Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations | Birdwing Pearly Mussel | 7/9/84 | F | E | Mussel |
Lemiox rimosus | |||||
Black clubshell — Entire | Tombigbee Mussels (5 spp.) | 11/14/89 | F | E | Mussel |
Pleurobema curtum | |||||
Carolina heelsplitter — Entire | Carolina Heelsplitter | 1/17/97 | F | E | Mussel |
Lasmigona decorata | |||||
Chipola slabshell | Recovery Plan for 7 mussels | 9/19/03 | F | T | Mussel |
Elliptio chipolaensis | |||||
Coosa moccasinshell — | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | E | Mussel |
Medionidus parvulus | |||||
Cracking pearlymussel — Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations | Cracking Pearly Mussel | 7/11/91 | F | E | Mussel |
Hemistena lata | |||||
Cumberland bean (pearlymussel) — Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations | Cumberland Bean Pearly Mussel | 8/22/84 | F | E | Mussel |
Villosa trabalis | |||||
Cumberland elktoe | Cumberland and Tennessee River Mussels (5 spp.) | 5/24/04 | F | E | Mussel |
Alasmidonta atropurpurea | |||||
Cumberlandian combshell — Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations | Cumberland and Tennessee River Mussels (5 spp.) | 5/24/04 | F | E | Mussel |
Epioblasma brevidens | |||||
Cumberland monkeyface (pearlymussel) — Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations | Cumberland Monkeyface Pearly Mussel | 7/9/84 | F | E | Mussel |
Quadrula intermedia | |||||
Cumberland pigtoe — Entire | Cumberland Pigtoe Mussel | 8/13/92 | F | E | Mussel |
Pleurobema gibberum | |||||
Dark pigtoe — | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | E | Mussel |
Pleurobema furvum | |||||
Dromedary pearlymussel — Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations | Dromedary Pearly Mussel | 7/9/84 | F | E | Mussel |
Dromus dromas | |||||
Fanshell | Fanshell (Mussel) | 7/9/91 | F | E | Mussel |
Cyprogenia stegaria | |||||
Fat pocketbook — Entire | Fat Pocketbook Pearly Mussel | 11/14/89 | F | E | Mussel |
Potamilus capax | |||||
Fat threeridge (mussel) | Recovery Plan for 7 mussels | 9/19/03 | F | E | Mussel |
Amblema neislerii | |||||
Finelined pocketbook — | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | T | Mussel |
Lampsilis altilis | |||||
Finerayed pigtoe — Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations | Fine-Rayed Pigtoe Pearly Mussel | 9/19/84 | F | E | Mussel |
Fusconaia cuneolus | |||||
Flat pigtoe — Entire | Tombigbee Mussels (5 spp.) | 11/14/89 | F | E | Mussel |
Pleurobema marshalli | |||||
Georgia pigtoe — | Recovery Plan for Georgia pigtoe mussel (Pleurobema hanleyianum),interrupted rocksnail (Leptoxis foremani)and rough hornsnail (Pleurocera foremani) | 11/6/14 | F | E | Mussel |
Pleurobema hanleyianum | |||||
Green blossom (pearlymussel) — Entire | Green-blossom Pearly Mussel | 7/9/84 | F | E | Mussel |
Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum | |||||
Gulf moccasinshell | Recovery Plan for 7 mussels | 9/19/03 | F | E | Mussel |
Medionidus penicillatus | |||||
Heavy pigtoe — Entire | Tombigbee Mussels (5 spp.) | 11/14/89 | F | E | Mussel |
Pleurobema taitianum | |||||
Littlewing pearlymussel — Entire | Little Wing Pearly Mussel | 9/22/89 | F | E | Mussel |
Pegias fabula | |||||
Louisiana pearlshell — Entire | Louisiana Pearlshell | 12/3/90 | F | T | Mussel |
Margaritifera hembeli | |||||
Ochlockonee moccasinshell | Recovery Plan for 7 mussels | 9/19/03 | F | E | Mussel |
Medionidus simpsonianus | |||||
Orangefoot pimpleback (pearlymussel) | Orange-footed Pearly Mussel | 9/30/84 | F | E | Mussel |
Plethobasus cooperianus | |||||
Orangenacre mucket — | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | T | Mussel |
Lampsilis perovalis | |||||
Oval pigtoe | Recovery Plan for 7 mussels | 9/19/03 | F | E | Mussel |
Pleurobema pyriforme | |||||
Ovate clubshell — | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | E | Mussel |
Pleurobema perovatum | |||||
Oyster mussel — Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations | Cumberland and Tennessee River Mussels (5 spp.) | 5/24/04 | F | E | Mussel |
Epioblasma capsaeformis | |||||
Pale lilliput (pearlymussel) — Entire | Pale Lilliput Pearly Mussel | 8/22/84 | F | E | Mussel |
Toxolasma cylindrellus | |||||
Pink mucket (pearlymussel) — Entire | Pink Mucket Pearly Mussel | 1/24/85 | F | E | Mussel |
Lampsilis abrupta | |||||
Purple bankclimber (mussel) | Recovery Plan for 7 mussels | 9/19/03 | F | T | Mussel |
Elliptoideus sloatianus | |||||
Ring pink (mussel) | Ring Pink (Mussel) | 3/25/91 | F | E | Mussel |
Obovaria retusa | |||||
Rough pigtoe | Rough Pigtoe Pearly Mussel | 8/6/84 | F | E | Mussel |
Pleurobema plenum | |||||
Shiny pigtoe — Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations | Shiny Pigtoe Pearly Mussel | 7/9/84 | F | E | Mussel |
Fusconaia cor | |||||
Shinyrayed pocketbook | Recovery Plan for 7 mussels | 9/19/03 | F | E | Mussel |
Lampsilis subangulata | |||||
Southern acornshell — | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | E | Mussel |
Epioblasma othcaloogensis | |||||
Southern clubshell — | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | E | Mussel |
Pleurobema decisum | |||||
Southern combshell — Entire | Tombigbee Mussels (5 spp.) | 11/14/89 | F | E | Mussel |
Epioblasma penita | |||||
Southern pigtoe — | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | E | Mussel |
Pleurobema georgianum | |||||
Speckled pocketbook — Entire | Speckled Pocketbook Mussel | 1/2/92 | F | E | Mussel |
Lampsilis streckeri | |||||
Stirrupshell — Entire | Tombigbee Mussels (5 spp.) | 11/14/89 | F | E | Mussel |
Quadrula stapes | |||||
Tan riffleshell — Entire | Tan Riffleshell Mussel | 10/22/84 | F | E | Mussel |
Epioblasma florentina walkeri (=E. walkeri) | |||||
Tar River spinymussel — Entire | Tar River Spinymussel | 5/5/92 | RF(1) | E | Mussel |
Elliptio steinstansana | |||||
Triangular Kidneyshell — | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | E | Mussel |
Ptychobranchus greenii | |||||
Tubercled blossom (pearlymussel) — Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations | Three Pearly Mussels (3 spp.) | 1/25/85 | F | E | Mussel |
Epioblasma torulosa torulosa | |||||
Turgid blossom (pearlymussel) — Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations | Three Pearly Mussels (3 spp.) | 1/25/85 | F | E | Mussel |
Epioblasma turgidula | |||||
Upland combshell — | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | E | Mussel |
Epioblasma metastriata | |||||
White wartyback (pearlymussel) — | White Wartyback Pearly Mussel | 9/19/84 | F | E | Mussel |
Plethobasus cicatricosus | |||||
Yellow blossom (pearlymussel) — Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations | Three Pearly Mussels (3 spp.) | 1/25/85 | F | E | Mussel |
Epioblasma florentina florentina | |||||
Anthony’s riversnail — Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations | Anthony’s Riversnail | 8/13/97 | F | E | Snail |
Athearnia anthonyi | |||||
Armored snail — Entire | Technical Draft Recovery Plan for the Armored Snail | 7/1/94 | D | E | Snail |
Pyrgulopsis (=Marstonia) pachyta | |||||
Cylindrical lioplax (snail) — Entire | Final Recovery Plan for Six Mobile Basin Aquatic Snails | 12/2/05 | F | E | Snail |
Lioplax cyclostomaformis | |||||
Flat pebblesnail — Entire | Final Recovery Plan for Six Mobile Basin Aquatic Snails | 12/2/05 | F | E | Snail |
Lepyrium showalteri | |||||
Lacy elimia (snail) — Entire | Final Recovery Plan for Six Mobile Basin Aquatic Snails | 12/2/05 | F | T | Snail |
Elimia crenatella | |||||
noonday globe — Entire | Noonday Snail | 9/7/84 | F | T | Snail |
Patera clarki nantahala | |||||
Painted rocksnail — Entire | Final Recovery Plan for Six Mobile Basin Aquatic Snails | 12/2/05 | F | T | Snail |
Leptoxis taeniata | |||||
Painted snake coiled forest snail — Entire | Painted Snake Coiled Forest Snail | 10/14/82 | F | T | Snail |
Anguispira picta | |||||
Plicate rocksnail — Entire | Final Recovery Plan for Six Mobile Basin Aquatic Snails | 12/2/05 | F | E | Snail |
Leptoxis plicata | |||||
Rough hornsnail — Entire | Recovery Plan for Georgia pigtoe mussel (Pleurobema hanleyianum),interrupted rocksnail (Leptoxis foremani)and rough hornsnail (Pleurocera foremani) | 11/6/14 | F | E | Snail |
Pleurocera foremani | |||||
Round rocksnail — Entire | Final Recovery Plan for Six Mobile Basin Aquatic Snails | 12/2/05 | F | T | Snail |
Leptoxis ampla | |||||
Royal marstonia (snail) — Entire | Royal Snail | 8/11/95 | F | E | Snail |
Pyrgulopsis ogmorhaphe | |||||
Stock Island tree snail — Entire | South Florida Multi-Species Recovery Plan (68 spp.) | 5/18/99 | F | T | Snail |
Orthalicus reses (not incl. nesodryas) | |||||
Tulotoma snail — Entire | Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin (15 species) | 11/17/00 | F | T | Snail |
Tulotoma magnifica | |||||
Alabama cave shrimp — Entire | Alabama Cave Shrimp Recovery Plan | 9/4/97 | F | E | Crayfish |
Palaemonias alabamae | |||||
Cave crayfish — Entire | Cave Crayfish/Cambaras aculabrum (NCN) | 10/30/96 | F | E | Crayfish |
Cambarus aculabrum | |||||
Cave crayfish — Entire | Cambarus zophonastes | 9/26/88 | F | E | Crayfish |
Cambarus zophonastes | |||||
Kentucky cave shrimp — Entire | Kentucky Cave Shrimp | 10/7/88 | F | E | Crayfish |
Palaemonias ganteri | |||||
Nashville crayfish — Entire | Nashville Crayfish | 2/8/89 | RF(1) | E | Crayfish |
Orconectes shoupi | |||||
Squirrel Chimney Cave shrimp — Entire | Exempt from recovery planning | T | Crayfish | ||
Palaemonetes cummingi |